Official Deering Banjos Blog

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Feb 22.2024

Getting Better Tone

“Banjokid” writes:Can you explain how to get a better tone? Whenever I play, I don’t get the right tone. Could you help me on this subject?

Well, Banjokid,...

Jun 12.2018

How To Play Dueling Banjos On the Banjo

Well here it is folks! Dueling banjos, (the banjo tune from movie Deliverance) is one of the most popular instrumental banjo tunes. It is also the most...

Jun 1.2018

How To Tune A Banjo

There are a number of different types of banjos, and although there is a standard tuning for each of them, they can all be tuned in alternate tunings. Find out...

May 31.2018

Announcing the New Goodtime G6SR 6-String Banjo

Deering is happy to announce the new Goodtime G6SR 6-String banjo. This banjo fills a void in the Goodtime 6-string banjo lineup as it features a resonator...

May 16.2018

How Picking Hand Placement Affects Your Banjo Tone

One of the easiest and most dramatic changes you can make to your banjo tone is to change where you pick the strings in relation to the bridge. This holds true...

May 13.2018

How To Install a Kavanjo Banjo Pickup on a Goodtime

John shows you (in under 40 minutes) how to replace your current banjo head with a customized Kavanjo head, loaded with his patented handwound humbucking...

May 10.2018

How Banjo Head Tension Affects Your Tone

One of the most important aspects of your banjo set up is the head tension. Changes to your banjo head tension dramatically affect the tone of your banjo. It...

May 7.2018

Greg Deering on the road for East Coast banjo workshop dates

Greg Deering is hitting the road on a three week tour, and hosting six in banjo workshops at a handful of Deering dealer locations. 

Apr 28.2018

Best Beginner Banjo - 5 Things To Look For

Finding a beginners banjo is very hard to do if you don’t know what to look for. This is true of many things; here’s a real life story that illustrates my...

Apr 20.2018

How Much Does a Banjo Head Affect the Sound of a Banjo?

Originally written by Carolina Bridges

The wonder of banjo heads is how easy they make it for banjo players to change the sound of their banjos if they want...

Apr 4.2018

Advances in the Goodtime Banjo: Why do they sound so good?

While I like to tease customers that it is the “magic banjo fairy dust” that we sprinkle on each of our banjos before they ship that makes them sound so good,...

Kristin Scott Benson chooses the Deering Golden Series banjos
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