If you have had the chance to speak with Deering’s CEO, Jamie Deering, you may have heard about her love of South Africa, African wildlife, and especially the...
Deering Banjo artist Tony Trischka is one of the premier 5-string banjoists to ever take up the instrument. Tony was at the forefront of the push to take the...
Here are 10 beginner banjo songs for the beginning bluegrass banjo player. By getting these tunes under your fingers you will be able to get some basic...
Transposing is moving a song from one key to another. There are often two questions that new banjo players ask about this musical technique:
Using a banjo strap will make you a better banjo player. Such a dramatic statement needs to be backed up with good reasons. Let me show you why.
There has been great mystery wrapped around playing the banjo left handed. The questions that we are asked tend to fall into the following categories:
Banjo tab is a term you have probably come across when learning the to play the banjo. “Tab” is an abbreviation for “tablature” which is a system of writing...
We all want a shortcut to get better without putting in the time and hard work that professional musicians do. In reality, there is no shortcut. You must...
Playing banjo is both a metaphor and a living experience for self-discovery. To quote the great jazz musician, Miles Davis, “it takes a long time to play like...
One of the most often asked banjo tips I get asked is “Do I have to rest fingers of my picking hand on the head of the banjo?”
When learning to play the banjo (or learning anything for that matter) learning becomes more enjoyable when we can accept where we are at that time in our...
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Spring Valley, CA 91977