Official Deering Banjos Blog

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Dec 3.2024

The Artisan Elephant Goodtime Banjo - Giving Tuesday 2024

If you have had the chance to speak with Deering’s CEO, Jamie Deering, you may have heard about her love of South Africa, African wildlife, and especially the...

Dec 7.2018

Jens Kruger plays the Vega Little Wonder Banjos

Jens Kruger is one of those guys that you cant help but be in awe of. After many years of watching his jaw dropping 3 finger style, I oversaw the filming of...

Dec 4.2018

Pentatonic Scales For Clawhammer Banjo

A couple of the most important scales you should learn when playing the banjo is your major and minor pentatonic scales. As the name suggests, these scales...

Nov 20.2018

Learn 3 Easy Banjo Chords

A banjo chord is made when you strum or pick more than one string on your banjo. On a 5 string banjo, the standard tuning is an open G tuning. This means that...

Nov 16.2018

Remembering Roy Clark - A Message from Greg & Janet Deering

Deering Banjo Company and the music world at large are saddened today to learn of the passing of Roy Clark. A dear friend and beloved musician who played a...

Nov 8.2018

Nail Tips For Clawhammer Banjo

One of the biggest problems clawhammer banjo players have is how to keep their nails in shape so that they can produce a warm, clear tone out of their banjo....

Nov 2.2018

How Much Does A Banjo Cost? - Part 2

In part 1, we talked about the cost of a banjo as it pertains to the player who is looking at entry level banjos; in our case, the Goodtime line of banjos.

Oct 27.2018

How Much Does A Banjo Cost? - Part 1.

For many newcomers to banjo, knowing, or at least having an expectation of how much they will have to spend (or should spend) is one of the biggest factors...

Oct 19.2018

How To Wear Banjo Picks

It might seem like a silly question to someone who has played the banjo before, but almost every time I give banjo picks to someone who has never played...

Oct 10.2018

7 Things I Learned At My First IBMA

After several years at the Deering Banjo Co, I recently had the pleasure of attending IBMA (International Bluegrass Music Association) in the beautiful city of...

Oct 3.2018

What Size Head Do I Need For My Banjo?

Modern banjos have standard head sizes. Vintage banjos on the other hand have head sizes that are all over the map. At Deering we use two different head...

Kristin Scott Benson chooses the Deering Golden Series banjos
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