Official Deering Banjos Blog

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Dec 3.2024

The Artisan Elephant Goodtime Banjo - Giving Tuesday 2024

If you have had the chance to speak with Deering’s CEO, Jamie Deering, you may have heard about her love of South Africa, African wildlife, and especially the...

Barry Hunn

Recent Posts

Jun 8.2016

What Is Banjo Tab?

Banjo tab is a term you have probably come across when learning the to play the banjo. “Tab” is an abbreviation for “tablature” which is a system of writing...

Playing banjo… Making music

Playing banjo is both a metaphor and a living experience for self-discovery. To quote the great jazz musician, Miles Davis, “it takes a long time to play like...

May 6.2016

Do Good Banjos Need to Be Heavy?

Beginning and intermediate banjo players who are shopping for their first professional level banjo often ask the question, “do good banjos need to be heavy?”...

Apr 15.2016

Banjo Set Up: The “Hot” Rods”

Inherent in the construction of banjos are certain parts that help address the needs of banjo set up. Among these are what we will call your “hot rods” - the...

Mar 4.2016

Should I Anchor My Pinky and Ring Finger? Yes or No?

One of the most often asked banjo tips I get asked is “Do I have to rest fingers of my picking hand on the head of the banjo?”

Feb 18.2016

How Many Strings On A Banjo?

Folks who are thinking about buying a banjo often ask us the question, “ how many strings on a banjo? ”

Practicing to Practice

When learning to play the banjo (or learning anything for that matter) learning becomes more enjoyable when we can accept where we are at that time in our...

Jan 15.2016

5th String Banjo Capos: What’s the Best?

"What is the best 5th string banjo capo?" This is one of the most common questions we get asked here at the Deering Banjo Company

Jan 6.2016

Recreating Classic Banjo Recordings

The topic of classic banjo recordings from the early 1900s came up recently as a customer called a few weeks ago asking what banjo he should buy that would...

Finding Your Banjo Sound

The quest for that certain banjo sound has been discussed and written about for decades.But the language of the “mechanics of banjo sound” has not always been...

Kristin Scott Benson chooses the Deering Golden Series banjos
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