How To Install a Kavanjo Banjo Pickup on a Goodtime

by David Bandrowski

John shows you (in under 40 minutes) how to replace your current banjo head with a customized Kavanjo head, loaded with his patented handwound humbucking pickup.


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Oct 5.2012

Mumford & Sons Hits #1 On Billboard Charts

Billboard Magazine Cover - Mumford & Sons

Incredible news this week! A banjo album hits #1 on the Billboard charts in the form of Mumford & Sons greatly...

Jun 22.2012

A Visit With Ashley Campbell

We had a really great time visiting with Ashley Campbell at the Deering Factory this last week and would like to introduce her to you all. She is a delightful...

May 17.2012

New Deering Phoenix Acoustic/Electric 6-String Banjo Arrives in Dealerships

Officially launched at the 2012 winter NAMM trade show in Anaheim, CA, the light weight 6-string banjo with 2 pickups and volume & blend controls is now...

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