2 and 3 Note Tenor Banjo Chord Voicings

by David Bandrowski

The tenor banjo is often perceived as an overly bright instrument by other band members.  This can often be attributed to the banjo player playing all chords that utilize all 4 strings. Learn how 2 note and 3 note chord voicings can help your tenor banjo playing when you are backing up a soloist or vocalist. 


The famous rhythm guitar player Freddie Green showed how powerful two and 3 note chord voicings can be. Freddie Green would use these type of chord voicings on an archtop guitar and could cut through just enough while providing the perfect rhythmic pulse throughout his career with the Count Basie Big Band. Less can be more!

Here are some of the chord voicings used here:

3 Note Voicing Of Bb Chord


2 Note Voicing Of Bb Chord


3 Note Voicing Of Dm Chord


3 Note Voicing Of G7 Chord



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